

Peperonata is one of those things that we have pretty often. It is a pepper and onion stew that goes with many things, can be used as a main dish or as a side. We first started having it with cheesey gougere, which is choux pastry – I must blog that recipe one...
A gorgeous home made Pad Thai

A gorgeous home made Pad Thai

I run a cooking group for the local U3A that meets once a month, and this months meeting was today. We made plain chow mein, a creamy leek cheese toast topper and this wonderful Pad Thai. It works out rather expensive for our budget here, although there are...
Chow mein – just like the takeaway?

Chow mein – just like the takeaway?

Although our favourite takeaway is an Indian one, we also like a Chinese now and then. When we do, we invariably get the same things each time, including a plain chow mein. When having a takeaway, we prefer a plain chow mein, but it is very amenable to adding all...

Fish Pie, on a budget

The fish is obviously the expensive ingredient here, and the thing that we need to search around for to make a healthy fish pie recipe that is delicious and as cheap as we can get it. It took a while, but I think I’ve done it alright, plus at the end of the post are...
Bircher Muesli, from 24p

Bircher Muesli, from 24p

This lovely Bircher muesli is from Rose Elliot’s book, Vegetarian Cookery, which I’ve had for ever. I use lots of recipes from it and it was one of my standby books when we were both vegetarian. The muesli is wonderfully delicious. Rose recommends having it with...
Crocus and nearly meal plan 8 soup

Crocus and nearly meal plan 8 soup

Got these crocus growing on the windowsill. It’s so lovely to see their cheerfulness on such a bleak day. Feels like spring is not far away. DP is hacking bits off our kitchen ceiling as the blighter is still leaking. He has tried two things that he thought would...
Quilts, Speakers, Pancakes and Noodles

Quilts, Speakers, Pancakes and Noodles

Well, where did those last three days go – whoosh. Finished the Live Below The Line on Monday which was an interesting few days. Some lovely people have donated to ActionAid. Thank you. Then on Tuesday, I spent the day in Bexhill with DD2. We did some prep for the...
Vegetable Stir Fry, 51p a serving

Vegetable Stir Fry, 51p a serving

This was supper last night. Haven’t had stir fry for a while, and saw some bean sprouts in Sainsbury’s, so that’s what we had. If you like stir fries and have them fairly often, it is really worth getting a little bottle of sesame oil. You may even have some already....