What This Site Is About

On this Blog, my intention is to build a resource to enable anyone to feed themselves very cheaply. We started off in 2013 able to do it for £1 a day. Currently, in 2024, food prices have been rising a lot for the last few years and that £1 has increased. Although in September 2023, the very first meal plan I did was still pricing up at £1.17 a day

There are 800+ recipes that you can use individually, or as part of a weekly meal plan.  Weekly Meal Plan One, for instance,  is based around the proteins in red lentils, chickpeas and bacon and will feed 2 adults. There are 11 weekly meal plans now, plus 3 Christmas week plans, Valentines Day celebration meals and other bits and bobs. And over 800 – 800!- recipes, all working to a minimal budget.

Each weekly meal plan that I build will consist of three parts.

  1. A meal plan, showing my suggestions as to what to eat when.
  2. A full shopping list showing everything that you need for that week, with all prices so you can get the groceries anywhere and know the price point you need to achieve for each item to be able to keep to the budget for that week.
  3. All the recipes for the suggested meal plan.
  4. I assume nothing at all is in the larder, except salt and pepper. So if you have anything in already, you can spend that bit less.

For some people who find the blog, budgeting at this level is something you will be familiar with and you may just want some new and different ideas. For others, it may be a new experience, and a lot of help may be needed. I hope I can offer enough help, without teaching too many people to suck eggs.
I know that there are a lot of talented people out there who are extremely creative with very sparse resources. If you have any recipes that you would like to share, I would love to see them.