Books I’ve read recently

Books I’ve read recently

I haven’t done a book review for a while so thought I’d write about just a few of the many many books I have read over the last few months. I always read a lot, but lockdown really ramped that up, and I for one was not complaining! Biography Claire North...
Good books that I’ve been reading

Good books that I’ve been reading

I haven’t done a review of good books I’ve read and am reading for ages, so I thought I’d do a few today. I have read many other books, these are just some of the more recent ones. The Tattooist of Auschwitz I belong to 2 book clubs. One with the U3A...
Reverse Advent, Slimming World and Books

Reverse Advent, Slimming World and Books

Do you remember me talking about a reverse advent? I have been getting inexpensive shower gel, some toothpaste, a box of biscuits, mince pies, some tubs of Quality Street and Roses, which I split up and packaged prettily, and a few other treats. On Friday I went off...
What I’ve been reading lately

What I’ve been reading lately

Couple of good reads for you today. I’ve got through a lot of books lately, and in amongst some not so good ones, or ones I would be embarrassed to recommend (so so scifi) are these two crackers Mice The first is a thriller called Mice, by Gordon Reece. Gordon writes...
We decided to have some rainy day fun today

We decided to have some rainy day fun today

Today is wet, wet, wet and we decided to have some rainy day fun. We visited a town we haven’t been to before. First up, we had a big cooked breakfast, which neither of us usually do. After taking our time, reading the papers at the pub we were in and sitting...
Books, bonding, scarecrows and demos

Books, bonding, scarecrows and demos

Although I’ve been cutting back on the things I do, this week in the month is a busy one. Monday This Monday was Easter Monday of course, so a bit different one to usual. Tuesday On Tuesday it was the monthly U3A meeting. This week we had an apiarist as the speaker. I...
Lots of vegetables, houses, birthdays and plants

Lots of vegetables, houses, birthdays and plants

I have got SO much to tell you! Can’t believe it’s been a week again! Tuesday On Tuesday – the U3A cookery group came to my house and as last month, I got them to explore more recipes using lots of vegetables. We did the Avocado, Orange and Tomato salad, a very quick...
Blooming fat demo’s

Blooming fat demo’s

Blooming fat demo’s? Well not quite! I’ve got three separate things to report and I was just playing with the title Long lasting poinsettia In the middle of December, Mike and I were walking in Eastbourne. We had a little browse round the Christmas market there, along...
Bugs, diets (again!) bargain mangoes and books

Bugs, diets (again!) bargain mangoes and books

It’s still germ central here. I had a hacking cough, a week off, then a head cold. Now Mike has a cold. I’m hoping it isn’t different to the one I had, or I might get that one. On the other hand, I was at my daughters on Sunday and during a vigorous...
Ancient magazines and a magazine hack

Ancient magazines and a magazine hack

Goodness, where did all those days go since I last posted! Well, some of those have been feeling ill. Again! I had a hacking cough that started on the 18th December when I went up to Northampton to see family at Christmas. That lasted a good two weeks. Then, after a...
Bugs and books

Bugs and books

I’ve been bugged Yearggh, I’ve been bugged. On Monday we drove the 150 miles to my sisters house in Hackleton where many of the family were gathering. Mum, who also lives there, treated us all to a lovely lunch out at a local restaurant. It was a noisy party in a...