by Thrifty Lesley | Aug 11, 2015 | All Meal Plans, All Recipes, Dinners, Meal Plan 9
This is dinner on day 2 and 5 of Meal Plan 9 Pasta & Tomato Sauce serves 2 60g cheddar, grated,Asda 350g/£1.55, 27p 100g onion, Asda 1kg/59p, 6p 300g tinned tomatoes – NB, not a whole tin, 23p 150g value pasta, 500g/29p, 9p 20g veg oil, Asda litre/89p, 2p...
by Thrifty Lesley | Aug 6, 2015 | All Recipes, Lunches, Meal Plan 9
This is dinner on day 3 of Meal Plan 9. It is a naturally vegan recipe if that is of interest to you (natural in that no substitution of anything is needed) Serves 2 150g carrots, Asda 49p/kg, 7p 200g potatoes, Asda 59p/kg, 12p 200g tomatoes (half a tin), 31p a tin,...
by Thrifty Lesley | Aug 5, 2015 | All Recipes, Lunches
We both had this for our lunch today. I had bought a pack of value ham for recipe testing, so now I need to use it up. I use a George Foreman grill which I’ve had for, ooh, 15 years? We’ve been in this house 8.5 years now, and I’d had it years and...
by Thrifty Lesley | Aug 2, 2015 | All Meal Plans, All Recipes, Dinners, Meal Plan 9
I have been a lady who lunches this week. I know I am anyway, but it was even more this week. On Wednesday, it was a good friends 70th and we went to hers for a bit of a party. Lots of talk, laughs and giggles. Lovely. On Thursday, I was taken out for an Italian by...
by Thrifty Lesley | Jul 29, 2015 | All Recipes, Dinners, Meal Plan 9
Had this for my lunch today, mmmm, very yummy. The lunch is from Meal Plan 9, based around tuna, ham and cheese What do I need make this deli platter serves 2 – priced at July 2024 130g cheese – any cheese that you like. I used mature cheddar...
by Thrifty Lesley | Jul 28, 2015 | All Recipes, Dinners
I made a recipe from this months Slimming World magazine yesterday. A classic Greek dish, Pastitsio. It’s supposed to feed four, but when I went to layer it up in a four portion dish, the dish was nowhere near big enough. I had to decant it and it made ten, yes, ten,...
by Thrifty Lesley | Jul 13, 2015 | No Power Meal Plan, Recipes Using No Power
This is dinner on 2 days on the No Power Meal Plan. Use this same amount on both days, using the tin of blackeye beans on one day and the kidney beans on the other. Serves 2 half a tin hotdogs, Asda 49p, 25p 30ml oil, Asda £1.25/litre, 4p 100g carrot, Asda £1.18/2kg,...
by Thrifty Lesley | Jul 10, 2015 | All Meal Plans, Lunches, No Power Meal Plan, Recipes Using No Power
I know sandwiches are hardly a recipe, but I wanted to go through the quantities and prep, just to be clear. For the hoummous and carrot sandwiches Serves 2 Tin of chickpeas, drained, use half the tin. Asda 4 for £1, 12p 100g carrots, grated, no need to peel, Asda,...
by Thrifty Lesley | Jun 27, 2015 | All Meal Plans, No Power Meal Plan, Recipes Using No Power
Well this first recipe tested ok, good start. It has quite a lot of oil in it to get the calories in. If you don’t need that, you could cut the oil down quite a bit. If you have it, you could use olive oil here. There are 2 servings of fresh vegetables per person. It...
by Thrifty Lesley | Jun 23, 2015 | Dinners
Arrgh, the pictures simply won’t size properly, it’s driving me nuts! Doing some gardening today, I pulled up a self sown Pink Fir Apple potato that was in the way of the spinach and it had several little potatoes on, so I had those with my lunch. They were really...
by Thrifty Lesley | May 26, 2015 | All Recipes, Dinners
Salsa di noci, or walnut sauce, originates from the Italian region, Liguria. It is made using walnuts and olive oil from the region, along with garlic, butter and cream, and finished with the specialty hard cheese Parmigiano-Reggiano or Grana Padano. Traditionally,...
by Thrifty Lesley | May 7, 2015 | My Diary
Another lovely parcel today. My Mother of the Bride dress arrived from China and looks beautiful. I got it from eBay. I shan’t look quite as slim as the lovely model here in it. They are very reasonable prices, and made to measure too. I have got them to make it calf...
by Thrifty Lesley | Feb 3, 2015 | All Recipes, Dinners, Meal Plan 8
A simple, quick and filling dinner. If you are not following meal plan 8, add any extra veg you would like to and vary the seasonings to give more variations 240g cooked chicken, 680g meat gleaned from a 1.3kg/£3.22 bird, £1.13 150g onion, Asda 2kg/£1.08, 8p 200g...
by Thrifty Lesley | Jan 31, 2015 | My Diary
Got these crocus growing on the windowsill. It’s so lovely to see their cheerfulness on such a bleak day. Feels like spring is not far away. DP is hacking bits off our kitchen ceiling as the blighter is still leaking. He has tried two things that he thought would...