Home Made Christmas Hampers

Home Made Christmas Hampers

At this time of year, thoughts begin to turn to gifts for friends and family. Many people like to make a hamper, personally, I love to receive a hamper containing anything food related. Want to do a homemade Christmas hamper? What a smashing gift to receive Many...
A budget Christmas?

A budget Christmas?

Christmas Season People are starting to talk about the Christmas season for 2023 now, maybe you are too. If you are struggling to make ends meet, November and December can be a very stressful time. Thoughts may turn to how the hell you are going to be able to afford...
A Charity Shop Haul

A Charity Shop Haul

Went to the dentist today for a clean and checkup. Afterwards I had a little sally up the high street and spotted a charity shop I hadn’t been in before (this is in a nearby very small town). Found some lovely things, including this rather charming set of a small...
Trees, bags, walls and floors

Trees, bags, walls and floors

A friend and I went to a startup WI meeting last night. It was proposed that a WI was started up in Heathfield itself. Unfortunately only 5 people turned up, including my friend and I, plus 4 WI advisors. The main person organising it said that it had been well...
The cutest teeny tiny christmas stockings

The cutest teeny tiny christmas stockings

Saw these cutest of cute little knitted mini Christmas Stockings on Elaine Colliar’s blog, Mortgage Free In Three on Monday.  I made the tiny pink one, and will be making a tiny toy to go in it so that DGD can give it to her dolly. How cute is that! Then I thought I...
Fruit, Floors and Gifts

Fruit, Floors and Gifts

Spotted these little fellas having a team bath this morning and took this picture of them through the window. Didn’t dare move in case I scared them off. DP has been working hard over the last two days getting the old tiles and hardboard off the kitchen floor....
Piccallili – around 84p a jar

Piccallili – around 84p a jar

Piccallili – around 84p a jar I made some Piccallili this week. I made some last year and found that the men in particular amongst my aquaintance liked it, and it was received with pleasure as a hostess gift too. So as it is coming up to that time of year when...