Bed time ice cream?

Bed time ice cream?

Dinner with friends and family last night was lovely, of course! Lots of chat and laughter. Got home very late and slept only fitfully, so am pretty tired today. It seems to be that if I miss what my system considers to be my sleeping ‘slot’, it gets all out of kilter...
Melanzane parmigiana

Melanzane parmigiana

I made this for DD2 recently and it came out pretty well, although rather salty. The basic recipe is another one from The Silver Spoon The basic recipe is another one from The Silver Spoon Edit 17Jun15 – I made this again and left out all seasoning and it was...
Lamb ragu 2 – Moussaka 92p a portion

Lamb ragu 2 – Moussaka 92p a portion

Using the lamb ragu that was made yesterday, today I made a moussaka. I have actually ended up using half the ragu yesterday and half today. But yesterday, the shepherds pie I made for the boys working hard plastering had enough left over to feed me as well, so that...