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How Supermarkets Get Us To Buy What We Don’t Really Need

How Supermarkets Get Us To Buy What We Don’t Really Need

It is the job of supermarkets to get you to buy as much in their shop, rather then their competitors, as they can manage. It is our job, as customers, to be very clear about what we want, how much we can and can’t afford. And perhaps, most importantly, to spend mindfully. It’s absolutely fine to fritter and spend your way around town if you’ve decided that’s what you are going to do today. Not so much if you can’t afford to and it ‘just happens’.

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Why I don’t go to the sales

Why I don’t go to the sales

If, like most people, myself included, you regularly have to declutter, it’s odds on you are being sold stuff you didn’t actually want to buy in the first place. How long did you have to work to buy that so called bargain. How much better would your life be if you hadn’t had to work to pay for all that stuff you’ve just taken to the charity shop.
So,  my number one tip for saving the maximum amount of cash at sale time is….. don’t go to the shops at all.

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Would generic weekly meals help you meal plan?

Would generic weekly meals help you meal plan?

As many budgeters know, there are certain generic meals that can be endlessly modified, as well as all the wonderful recipes for these generic recipes, they will swallow whatever you have available, help in the weekly fridge clean out and use up all kinds of bits and pieces. I’ve been musing about it for a while and this week I thought that it would be perfectly possible to meal plan around generic meals.

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Regrowing vegetables from waste

Regrowing vegetables from waste

Do you remember us talking about regrowing vegetables from waste? This post had some spring onions. Well, a while ago, I put some spring onion stubs in an egg cup until they grew baby roots, then put them in the garden. These whoppers are the result! I have in fact...

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