Bed time ice cream?

Bed time ice cream?

Dinner with friends and family last night was lovely, of course! Lots of chat and laughter. Got home very late and slept only fitfully, so am pretty tired today. It seems to be that if I miss what my system considers to be my sleeping ‘slot’, it gets all out of kilter...
10,000 steps and gooseberry crumble

10,000 steps and gooseberry crumble

Went to Beachy Head today for a walk around and to get my daily step count up to the 10,000 mark. What magnificent views there are from up there. Just enough of a breeze to blow the cobwebs away, lovely. Lots and lots of people all doing the same thing. Many of which...

Some freebie fruit, lucky me

Had a fasting day today, so am starving. Really looking forward to breakfast tomorrow. Spent the afternoon at a friends. She has a garden that is big enough for a small holding and asks me round to pick blackcurrants because she doesn’t get round to using them...