by Thrifty Lesley | Oct 30, 2013 | All Recipes, Cakes and Bakes
Had some bread going rock hard, so made some bread pudding today. Could have been a bit of a disaster, as when the cooking time was nearly up, I remembered that I hadn’t put the fat in – argh. But actually, it was fine. Didn’t even notice! So now I won’t bother to put...
by Thrifty Lesley | Oct 3, 2013 | All Recipes, Breakfast, Cakes and Bakes, Less than 500 calories, Meal Plan 11, Meal Plan 3
These vegan oat bars are delicious, a flapjack with a jam layer. A raspberry flapjack is my favourite, with homemade raspberry jam. They obviously are sweet, but maybe not as sweet as the name suggests. I have updated the quantity of sugar in line with current...
by Thrifty Lesley | Aug 4, 2013 | All Recipes, Dinners, Lunches, Round Up Post
I still have some of the soft cheese from the Mackerel Pate left in the fridge and have been wondering what to do with it. It tastes really nice, doesn’t cost too much and seems to go a long way. How to make a garlicky Boursin sandwich I really love garlicky Boursin,...
by Thrifty Lesley | Jun 17, 2013 | All Recipes, Cakes and Bakes, Less than 500 calories, Meal Plan 1, Meal Plan 14, Meal Plan 3, Meal Plan 7, Meal Plan 8, Meal Plan 9
This post was first written in June 2013 and updated in June 2021. Scones ( how do you pronounce that where you are?) have been cooked and eaten in the UK since at least 1513. In the UK, we like a light and fluffy scone, and to enjoy it still warm from the oven, with...