Faggots and gravy

Faggots and gravy

What are Faggots? Faggots are a traditional British meatball made from offal, especially pork, with herbs and onions for flavouring and breadcrumbs to stretch them out. The offal is minced and is usually a combination of heart, liver and fatty pork belly or bacon,...
Progress on the loft and on the blog

Progress on the loft and on the blog

Thrifty Lesley It’s ages since I’ve done just a catch up post, so I thought I’d do one today. This has partly been triggered by some blogmin I’ve been doing. I’ve been blogging for over 6 years now, but haven’t really been doing all...
Bready Things

Bready Things

All things bready, all home made. A loaf, tortilla, flatbreads, magic dough, soda bread and all kinds of other bread related things. A leavened dough can be kept in the fridge to shorten the whole process and develop flavour. British Sandwich Week Weekend Baguette...
Lentil Pate

Lentil Pate

I haven’t made this for the longest time. It’s a recipe from my notebook that I got from Weezl, she of Cheap Family Recipes fame. I made it again this week and am enjoying it on a slice of my home made granary bread, toasted, for breakfast.  Do give it a go, super...