I found a delicious new taste today

I found a delicious new taste today

I found a delicious new taste today I am rather a big fan of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. Whenever he brings out a new book, I invariably buy it. Not that I need much of an excuse to buy a cook book. I love Hugh’s approach to most things and I really love a great many...
10,000 steps and gooseberry crumble

10,000 steps and gooseberry crumble

Went to Beachy Head today for a walk around and to get my daily step count up to the 10,000 mark. What magnificent views there are from up there. Just enough of a breeze to blow the cobwebs away, lovely. Lots and lots of people all doing the same thing. Many of which...
Novel uses for radishes

Novel uses for radishes

I was cruising around the internet last night looking for ways to use radishes, as the box I grew in the greenhouse is now stuffed full of the most perfect specimens. Not a slug bite out of any of them, lovely size, nice and peppery. Gorgeous, the best ones I have...