Dead Good Old Tarts

Dead Good Old Tarts

This recipe was given to me by a friend, although, I must admit, she didn’t call it Dead Good Old Tarts. The name just popped into my head when I was wondering what to call them, so Dead Good Old Tarts it is 🙂  I have been looking at ways of using up bread for a...
Zombie burgers using dead bread

Zombie burgers using dead bread

Tried the first experiment with reviving dead bread stored as breadcrumbs today.  Had a look in the fridge and found a few bits and pieces that I thought would work, got a bag of breadcrumbs out of the freezer and had a play. I have set out below what I used to give...

A quick lunch in the grit and grime

Snatched a very quick lunch today amongst the grit and grime. DP had bought a crispy baquette up the paper shop. He ‘goes to buy a paper’ every day, first thing, and he can be gone for an hour or more. He has a conversation with everyone he sees and comes back with...
Demo’s and anchovy pizza, 39p

Demo’s and anchovy pizza, 39p

Today, I did a demo of ThriftyLesley food at a local church, although I am atheist, to about 15 ladies. In one hour, we managed to produce 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 2 dinners. Started off with a bacon and sweetcorn pie, to demonstrate the oil pastry, and put some...


Croutons are incredibly useful little things. They can shoosh up many a dish.   Try using the end of a loaf, or something that’s gone a bit stale to eat as bread to make some. You could freeze them, or the un-croutoned bread (my preference), so you can have some...