Home made sloe and apple jam

Home made sloe and apple jam

From September onwards in the UK, the hedgerow plant blackthorn (Prunus spinosa), or sloe, produces fruit in abundance. Known as drupes, the deep purple fruit have stones that are large for the size of the fruit. When sloes are cooked, they have a deeply plummy...
Home made blackcurrant jam

Home made blackcurrant jam

If you would like to make your own home made jam, but have never tackled it before, this is a great one to start with as it’s one of the easiest. Having said that, raw blackcurrants are hard to find in the shops. I am lucky enough to be able to grow some in the...
Bed time ice cream?

Bed time ice cream?

Dinner with friends and family last night was lovely, of course! Lots of chat and laughter. Got home very late and slept only fitfully, so am pretty tired today. It seems to be that if I miss what my system considers to be my sleeping ‘slot’, it gets all out of kilter...

Some freebie fruit, lucky me

Had a fasting day today, so am starving. Really looking forward to breakfast tomorrow. Spent the afternoon at a friends. She has a garden that is big enough for a small holding and asks me round to pick blackcurrants because she doesn’t get round to using them...