by Thrifty Lesley | May 1, 2019 | All Recipes, Dinners
I have been exploring swapping out the ragu layer of a lasagna for many other different things. The first was made using a really good lentil ragu which I thought would work well as a lasagna. It was very successful and inspired me to think of lots of other...
by Thrifty Lesley | Jan 23, 2019 | All Recipes, Breakfast, Less than 500 calories, Lunches
Another Trio of Vegetable Hummus In the last post (goodness, how long ago was that!) I spoke about vegetable hummus inspired by Izzy Hozzack. Today, I’m going to tell you about the next three flavours I tried. I thought I’d have a go at beetroot, parsnip and swede. I...
by Thrifty Lesley | Jan 22, 2019 | All Recipes, Breakfast, Less than 500 calories, Lunches, Meal Plan 11
A Trio of Vegetable Hummus The U3A cookery group met at my place on Tuesday this week. One of the many things we did was a vegetable hummus made from green peas from Izy Hossacks book, The Savvy Cook. It was utterly delicious and has inspired me to make many different...