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Weekend Baguette Recipe

Weekend Baguette Recipe

Would you like a foolproof baguette recipe? And no kneading either. Crispy on the outside, light and fluffy on the inside, and with a lovely texture that’s chewy and delicious.

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Vegan Recipes

Vegan Recipes

Want to see any vegan recipes on Thrifty Lesley? Here they all are

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My Diary

My Diary

If you like following along with the bits from my life that I share - they're all here!

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How to poach a chicken and make it last the family a whole week

How to poach a chicken and make it last the family a whole week

Why poach a chicken? Two main reasons. Poaching means that your chicken meat will be beautifully moist, much more so than a roasted one, and with little effort on your behalf. And secondly, much less fuel is used to cook it, and little heat is generated, relevant if you are doing this in a kitchen in the summer.

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Sweetcorn Soup

Sweetcorn Soup

Ideal for lunches at home, or in a flask at work, this super easy sweetcorn soup recipe is nutritious, warming, filling and inexpensive.

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