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Would generic weekly meals help you meal plan?

Would generic weekly meals help you meal plan?

As many budgeters know, there are certain generic meals that can be endlessly modified, as well as all the wonderful recipes for these generic recipes, they will swallow whatever you have available, help in the weekly fridge clean out and use up all kinds of bits and pieces. I’ve been musing about it for a while and this week I thought that it would be perfectly possible to meal plan around generic meals.

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Meal Plan 10 and other news

Meal Plan 10 and other news

Very protracted journey home on Monday due to the closure of the A27, the A358 and the usual delays on the M25. Took us hours to get home – exhausting Tuesday was unpacking, washing, sorting the pile of post and all the usual jobs after a holiday. In the morning, the...

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Pasta & Tomato Sauce, Meal Plan 9, 33p

Simmered down a  little more, you can use this as a pizza base, or over a plate of steamed veg, or with rice. Or tip it over your pasta, with or without any extra veg,  and put it in an oven proof dish and bake it in the oven for a pasta bake. A tin of value tuna stirred through before baking is extra nice.I think this sauce is much nicer than the bought ones, and nearly as quick.

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