Meal Plan 10 – based on sausages, sardines and soft cheese

Apr 28, 2023 | 0 comments


Updated and repriced in June 2024

sweetcorn fritters, wedges & peas

The Tenth Meal Plan – we’re in double figures! The usual caveats apply, it shows 3 meals a day, plus some cakey extras to fill any gaps, for 7 days, for 2 adults. Change the meals around to suit yourself, combine the shopping list of ingredients in any other way that suits you, add extra ingredients that you may have, just use one of the recipes, leave out anything you don’t like or need or change anything else that you see fit.

You and the 2nd person you are feeding may not need all the calories a day. Only you know what you need, I will leave this part of it to you to adjust. Many of the recipes are freezable, so if you have the facilities, you could freeze the extra, or carry the ingredients forward to the following week.

If you do use anything from here, I would love it if you let me know how you get on.

You will need to be accurate with your measuring with some ingredients, and can be more free-handed with others. Look at the column of leftovers to see what you can be generous with.

As usual, use the Cakes and Bakes at any point during the week when you need them, as an extra at lunch, a pudding after dinner, for supper, or any other hungry moment. Or if you and the 2nd person you are feeding don’t need this many calories, healthwise, these would be the best things to leave out. I’ve also found with most plans that if you follow them, and leave out the cakes and bakes, the calories are at a level where you will lose weight. So plenty of fruit and veg, tasty food, and a diet plan on £1 a day.

You will need £26.72 at the checkout this week, but the food eaten comes to £22.22, which works out to £1.59 per person, per day

We have both self raising and plain flour this week. The self raising is for the pancakes etc. This week we are making toad in the hole for which plain flour is a must, so we’ve had to buy two bags, but a lot will be left to take over to next week.

Week Ten Meal Planner – sausages, sardines and soft cheese

Herby omelette

Breakfast Lunch Dinner
day 1 herby pancakes and a poached egg sardine paste sandwich veggie lasagna, chips
day 2 pancakes, jam pitta with carrot, lemon, soft cheese herby omelette, chips, peas
day 3 porridge with  jam or sugar sardine paste sandwich veggie lasagne, chips
day 4 herby pancakes and a poached egg pitta with carrot, lemon, soft cheese herby omelette, chips, peas
day 5 pancakes, jam herby bannocks with sardine paste or caramelised onions, or cheese toad in the hole, peas
day 6 porridge with jam or sugar pitta or sandwich with olives and soft cheese pea fritters, chips
day 7 porridge with  jam or sugar herby bannocks with sardine paste or caramelised onions, or cheese toad in the hole, peas
Cakes & Bakes   
pancakes and sugar or jam,  use any remaining milk (about 400ml) , there are no eggs available herby scones or plain ones with sugary tops  
herby bannocks with sardine paste or caramelised onions, or bannock digestives  

stuffed pitta breads, filled with soft cheese, carrot and lemon zest & juice

There are more options this time with the meals being more suggestions than anything else

When you make porridge, use 60g of oats and 100ml milk per person and a dollop of jam or sugar

For the pitta or sandwich with soft cheese and olives on Day 6, you can use either the remaining 2 pitta, or 4 slices bread, your choice. The recipe includes some thick slices cucumber and a smear of garlic, neither of which we have on this plan. If you have them available, great, pop them in. If not, don’t worry, it will still be delicious

When you make the herby bannocks, use the standard recipe and a good teaspoon of dried herbs. If you prefer them plain, just leave the herbs out.

When you make the sardine paste, use half for the sandwiches on days 1 and 3. Use the remaining half with the herby bannocks on days 5 or 7, or with the cakes and bakes options

When you make the pea fritters, make them using the same method as the link, substituting peas for the sweetcorn. Use 350g chips

The cakes and bakes pancakes do not have any lemon available on this plan, although of course, you may well have some in the cupboard. Or if you have opted for lemon curd, that would work well here

Some of the lunches are light on calories, so make sure you have something from the cakes and bakes list to go with your lunch, that’s what they’re for

I don’t seem to have written up the toad in the hole recipe. It uses 100g flour, 2 eggs and 250ml milk for the batter, and 4 sausages each time. I’ll write it up too!


Items not used in the plan, that can be used as snacks:

You should have enough calories during the week, but if you want to use the items not already accounted for, these are some possible options

Depending on what you use on Day 6, there may be 2 pitta

There is 100g of cheese and 8 slices of bread, so cheese sandwiches, or cheese on toast. Or you could use the cheese with some of the bannocks on days 5 and 7

Use the milk in tea/coffee, or in the pancake mix, in the oats, or just as it is

There are 200g oats left, so you could have extra porridge, maybe using the milk there

Use the jam with scones, or on the bannocks, on your porridge, on the spare bread, toasted, or with the pancakes

You could roast the remaining onions and carrots and use them whenever you want to, or extra veg in the lasagne. The extra chips can be used as bigger portions or a snack

Take the extra sugar and flour over to next week

Priced at June 2024 Jun-24 Left at the end of the week
litre oil £1.85  45ml, 8p
1.5 kg self raising and 1.5 kg plain flour £1.60  1550g, 83p
bag sugar, kg £1.38  475g, 65p
carrots, kg £0.65  200g, 13p
onions, 2kg £1.98  800g, 79p
tin tomatoes £0.55
peas, 1kg £1.45  25g, 4p
tin of beans for lasagna, + one for paste £0.86 200g, 21p
value jam (or marmalade or lemon curd) £0.89
mixed herbs £0.48
12 free range large eggs £2.95
1.5kg SP oven chips £1.65  250g, 41p
Farm Stores, 8 sausages £1.50
120g sardines in tomato sauce £0.55
loaf, 800g brown £0.75  8 slices, 27p
300g soft cheese £1.28
value pitta (6) £0.50  2 pitta, 17p
a lemon £0.30
oats £0.90  200g, 18p
310g jar of black or green olives, 100g £1.20
4 pints milk £1.45  370ml, 24p
200g Lancashire cheese £2.00 50g, 50p
Total at the checkout  £26.72 £4.50 leftover
£1.59 pppd
Nutrition 2000 plus 2500 calories per day
11% protein, 34% fat, 54% carbs, 25g fibre pppd
Govt. recommendations 10-35% protein, 20-35% fat, 45-65% carb, 25g fibre pppd
Current recommendations have moved from 5 a Day for fruit & veg, to 7 a Day.
This plan has, per person, a total of 6 portions pppd
 A total of 5 red, 29 orange, 13 green, 39 white, 0 purple
 If you have any raisins, a tblsp a day will give you your purple portion



Weekly Meal Plan 10



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