Cheap Valentine’s Day Ideas

Jan 25, 2021 | 1 comment


If you’re looking for cheap Valentine’s Day ideas for your special dinner, or something special for your special person, you might find something you like right here


Valentine’s Day on a Budget

Lots of cheap Valentine’s Day ideas


Valentines Day vegetarian menu

Starter – Raw carrot, apple and cashew soup
Mains – Tapas of Patatas bravas, spinach dumplings and lemony butter beans
Pudding – Lemon cheesecake

Stunning 3 Course Valentines Day Dinner, £1.84 a head

Starter – Smoked salmon and crispy toast
Mains – A warm salad of asparagus, bacon and egg
Pudding – A chocolate heart with cherries and cream


Vegan Valentine Meal

Starter – Black olive and tapenade tart
Mains – Lentil nut loaf with sweet potato chips and mixed veg
Pudding – Self saucing chocolate pudding

3 Course Celebration Menu’s to enjoy with your best beloved for Less Than A Quid Each!

Readers Menus

Starter – Butternut squash soup
Mains – Spaghetti carbonara
Pudding – Chocolate mousse
Starter – Roasted squash & feta
Mains – Leek & pea risotto with Basa
Pudding – Berried meringues
Starter – Pate & crackers
Mains – Gammon, pineapple, egg & veg
Pudding- Peaches, berries & cream


1 Comment

  1. Kami

    Lovely, simple ideas for Valentine’s Day! Thank you for posting.

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