I took a few pictures of the garden this week. It’s been looking really good this year. I usually buy a basil plant and put it in a large pot, it lasts all summer. I’ve tried keeping one in the house over winter, but they really don’t like it and they go all manky The goldfish are doing well in the pond and seem to be growing, they splash around in the splash of the pump that aerates it, they love that. Can you spot my metal chicken in the first picture? I could have taken a lot more, but thought it would be too many, then I discovered this Gallery way of showing them. So perhaps I’ll take some more and add them in 🙂
- The garden in July
- A supermarket basil plant in a pot
- goldfish in the pond
- The loganberry, it’s all 1 plant!
- Loganberries
- Apple – variety Scrumptious, and they really are!
- Apples – variety Fiesta
- A new plant, a canna, variety Durban
- Peppers in the greenhouse
- Baby peppers
- Tomatoes in the greenhouse
- Something horrible on the pear leaves
- Baby pears
- The runner beans
- Baby runner beans
- The cut and come again lettuce, going to seed now
- Parsley that I’ve let go to seed. I’m hoping it will seed itself around the garden
- Purple sprouting broccoli under netting to keep the cabbage white butterflies off
- Beautifully fragrant pinks
- The rhubarb, at the end of it’s season now
- A rocket plant that’s been going for 4 years now
- Day lilies, colour blended with the shrub
- Day Lilies
- Abelia flowers
- Clematis – Fond Memories
- Clematis – Fond Memories. Flowers all summer
- Hydrangea – Lime Light
- Lime Light blooms
Thank you for your lovely gallery of your garden photos. Since downsizing my garden is sorely missed, especially for summer fruits . I could almost taste those loganberries, not something you can buy unfortunately.
Best wishes and many thanks, Pam
The back area is about 60 foot wide by 50 foot deep, and the front area about 30 foot wide by 12 foot deep
What a beautiful garden!! I wish I had your green thumb; unfortunately, I tend to kill plants, though.
It looks like you’ve planned it out nicely, as far as the use of space, too. How big is your garden area, if you don’t mind sharing that info?
Stay cool!
Your garden is lovely. I’m quite envious of your greenhouse, I just don’t have the room for one and it would be so useful to one. I doubt very much that I am going to get any tomatoes from my three plants, they are only just beginning to flower now. The rain has killed off my basil plant, but I will try again next year to grow some edibles, especially as I bought a fig tree for £2.50 the other day.