Oh my goodness, this was SO good. Soft roasted vegetables, spicy paprika chorizo, smooth tomato sauce, crispy thin pizza base. Yum YUM
This mixture made two 32cm pizzas, you could make both and have one the next day, or freeze one, ready made up to pop in the oven.
1 x Flatbread mixture, 8p
tomato sauce
half a tin of chopped tomatoes, 16p
1 onion, Asda £1.18/2kg, 6p
1 tbslp oil, 1p
120g carrots Asda 2kg/£1.18, 7p
100g swede, £1.20/kg 12p
1 onion, Asda £1.18/2kg, 6p
1 tbslp oil, 1p
1 chorizo finger, Sainsbury’s, £1.49/4, 32p
50g cheddar, grated, get some at the £5/kg level, 25p
Make the flatbread dough as detailed in the previous post. Leave them for a couple of hours to develop flavour. If that isn’t convenient, you could make the mix and leave it in a cool place all day, and knock it back in the evening, when you want to eat.
Chop the topping vegetables into small dice, toss them with the oil and a bit of salt and roast them until soft and melting. I put mine in the Remoska to save fuel. In the oven, use a medium heat for about half an hour, or you could saute them in a frying pan.
Put the onion for the tomato sauce in a pan with the oil and saute until soft, add the tomatoes and a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar. Whizz the sauce to emulsify the oil. Add some fresh basil if you like.
When you are ready to assemble, take half the flatbread dough and roll out really thinly. It is pretty springy and will fight you all the way, but persevere, it will get there. I used a 32cm clear glass pizza dish. You could use something similar in size, or roll it to fit a baking tray, or whatever you have of about that area. You could of course make smaller pizza to fit smaller dishes, if you are feeding children or for any other reason.
Don’t forget, this mixture makes enough for 2 x 32cm pizzas. So repeat this rolling out with the other half of the mix.
All the topping ingredients need to be cool at this point.
Spread half the tomato sauce onto each pizza. Top with half of the roasted vegetables on each pizza, and finish off with 25g of grated cheese on each one.
If you like, drizzle a little oil over the top and round the edges
At this point, you can open freeze one or both of them, then wrap well once frozen, to use another day. Or cover one with cling film for tomorrow.
When you want to cook one/both, heat the oven to hot (200 degrees), and cook for about 15 minutes, or until the base of the pizza is cooked, you may need to lift it up to check in the middle – we don’t want soggy bottoms do we 🙂
The vegetables on this can be anything you have, any root vegetable would be lovely, you could use sliced tinned potatoes, parsnip, turnip or beetroot. You could use value feta instead of cheddar, or some of that blue cheese from Morrisons. You could scatter rocket leaves over if you have some in the garden, mine have gone over now, or some fresh basil leaves.
You could serve it with oven wedges, cooked at the same time, maybe with some tandoori spice powder on them, or a coleslaw. I often use, for the 2 of us, 100g white cabbage or winter Savoy, fine sliced, 100g grated carrot and a couple of tblsp mayo. Miss South did a delicious sounding slaw the other day. It uses tahini, which by coincidence is available at Approved Foods at the moment.
You could roast a jacket potato in the oven at the same time as the pizza. Zap it in the microwave to soften it, then rub some oil and salt in the skin before putting it in the oven and you will have a lovely crispy skin.
they were lovely thankyou! Xx