I feel really unfit at the moment, I think I’ve mentioned before. So after getting back from Dorset, proper efforts must be made. I put a step counter on this morning to help motivate me. A regular Friday date is coffee with the girls. You may remember that I used to go to keep fit on a Monday at lunchtime, but I stopped going because a lunchtime class uses up too much of the day. Well years ago, when that class was on a Friday, after class the participants would go for a coffee and a gossip (this was years before I moved here). At some point, the class moved to a Monday, but the coffee stayed on Friday. So the Friday coffee group is about 8 to 10 women on any one week, from a total of maybe 15 or so. The place that we meet is almost exactly 1.5 miles from our house and I walked both ways today. On the way back I was even carrying a bit of shopping, including a 3 litre bottle of oil. That must have burned off a few extra calories on its own! So my step counter reports that I have done a total of almost 11,000 steps today. And I have stuck to 1500 calories as well. So a good day today for reducing myself a bit. Wish me luck at keeping it up. I’m pretty crap at that bit.
Fitstep class at 9am tomorrow morning, so that’s tomorrow’s exercise sorted. I’m off to bed now to read some more of a book I found in a charity shop. It’s a sequel to Day Of TheTriffids by John Wyndham, which I enjoyed, many many years ago. This one is called The Night Of The Triffids, and it’s by Simon Clark. I’m about halfway through and am enjoying it so far.