Week Nine Meal Planner – tuna, ham and cheese

Apr 29, 2023 | 0 comments


The Ninth Meal Plan. Last priced at Aldi.com, on 28th April 2024. You will need £22.17 at the checkout, but the food eaten comes to £19.19, which is £1.37 per person, per day 

tuna and onion pie

As I say every time, it shows 3 meals a day, plus some cakey extras to fill any gaps, for 7 days, for 2 adults. Change the meals around to suit yourself, combine the shopping list of ingredients in any other way that suits you, add extra ingredients that you may have, just use one of the recipes, leave out anything you don’t like or need or change anything else that you see fit.

You and the 2nd person you are feeding may not need all the calories a day. Only you know what you need, I will leave this part of it to you to adjust. Many of the recipes are freezeable, so if you have the facilities, you could freeze the extra, or carry the ingredients forward to the following week.

If you do use anything from here, I would love it if you let me know how you get on.

You will need to be accurate with your measuring with some ingredients, and can be more free-handed with others.

As usual, use the Cakes and Bakes at any point during the week when you need them, as an extra at lunch, a pudding after dinner, for supper, or any other hungry moment. Or if you and the 2nd person you are feeding don’t need this many calories, healthwise, these would be the best things to leave out. I’ve also found with most plans that if you follow them, and leave out the cakes and bakes, the calories are at a level where you will lose weight.  So plenty of fruit and veg, tasty food, and a diet plan on £1 a day.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner
day 1 bran flakes, 80g, milk, 250ml per person cheese and carrot sandwich. For each person use 2 slices, 25g cheese & 25g grated carrot mixed together, use spread on the bread pie of tuna and onions, with roasted carrots and onions
day 2 raisin pancakes,use 160g flourand 80g raisins for 2 ham sandwich. For each person, use 2 slices, 60g ham and spread on the bread pasta, tomato sauce, cheddar
day 3 bran flakes, 80g, milk, 250ml per person Tuna and pasta salad roasted vegetable soup, served with plain scones topped with roasted onions
day 4 raisin pancakes, use 160g flour and 80g raisins for 2 ham sandwich. For each person, use 2 slices, 60g ham and spread on the bread pie of tuna and onions, with roasted carrots and onions
day 5 bran flakes, 80g, milk, 250ml per person cheese and carrot sandwich. For each person use 2 slices, 25g cheese & 25g grated carrot mixed together, use spread on the bread pasta, tomato sauce, cheddar
day 6 raisin pancakes,use 160g flour and 80g raisins for 2 Tuna and pasta salad pizza and chips
day 7 bran flakes, 80g, milk, 250ml per person ham sandwich. For each person, use 2 slices, 60g ham and spread on the bread deli platter
Cakes & Bakes    raisin scones, raisin biscuitsbannock digestives, bannocks , plain or with jam use the baking spread to make the scones, not oil

Use the jam with the bannocks and the fruit scones.

You need to make a total of 3 batches of bannocks for the week. In the suggested Cakes and Bakes, one batch has 50g of sugar added to make bannock digestives. You can make 1, 2 or 3 bannock batches with sugar or just leave them plain. There is plenty of sugar left this week.

If you have any salad leaves available they would be good in the sandwiches this week. Mayo instead of spread with the cheese one is lovely

Have the remaining bran flakes and milk as a snack at any  time, similarly the raisins, you could sprinkle the raisins in with the bran flakes.

The oats could be made into porridge and eaten with jam.

Or you could take the remaining 2 slices of bread and raisins and pan fry a sandwich. When I tried this, it was delicious!

Shopping list.

Aldi 28th April 2024 left at the end of the week, or spare to use to fill up with  Apr-24
bran flakes, 750g 110g/14p £0.99
milk, 2.27 litres 270ml/17p £1.45
Essentials tuna in brine 2 x 145g £1.10
800g loaf, 22 slices 2 slices/8p £0.85
s.r. flour, 1.5kg £0.79
oil, 1 litre 330ml/61p £1.85
raisins, 500g 65g/16p £1.25
carrots, 1kg £0.65
onions, 1kg £0.99
potatoes, 2kg 1kg,74p £1.49
tomatoes, 2 tins £0.78
pasta, 500g £0.41
mature cheddar cheese, 400g 50g/31p £2.49
black olives, 330g – 165g drained weight £0.89
sugar, 1kg 665g/72p £1.09
wafer thin ham, 400g £2.29
spread, 500g, perfect for cakes 285g/65p £1.15
Essentials strawberry jam £0.39
Essentials pizza any type £0.97
oats, 1kg £0.90
Total £3.58 leftovers £22.77
£1.37 per person, per day £19.19 food eaten
2000 plus 2500 calories per day
10% protein, 32% fat, 53% carbs, 24g fibre pppd
Govt. recommendations 10-35% protein, 20-35% fat, 45-65% carb, 25g fibre pppd
Current recommendations have moved from 5 a Day for fruit & veg, to 7 a Day.
This plan has, per person, a total of 5 portions of red, 9 orange, 0 green, 12 purple and 11 white. This gives a total of  5.31 portions of fruit and veg a day, per person



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