We are due to drive up to Kendall tomorrow, on our way to Scotland, so I have been wandering around the garden reviewing things.
The radishes I planted in a large box in the greenhouse are coming along nicely, and will probably be at their best when we are away – a common occurence when you are a gardener.
The newly planted raspberries are enjoying the showers over the last couple of days
these are my two veg beds, the two water tanks at the top are where I’ve planted 10 asparagus crowns There are two or three spears in there right now and I can’t make up my mind whether to have them tonight, or leave them. They are a bit small yet, but I’m not sure if they will last another week. The tree covered in blossom is a Scrumptious apple. The bare bed at the bottom is where the runner beans go.
the green nearest the camera is sorrel, the clump further up is spinach, both of which overwintered. Also in this bed are some chives, watercress, peas and broad beans
this bed has the last of the leeks, and a couple of fruit trees in pots that haven’t gone in yet. The chair is where the last of the evening sun gets before it disappears behind next doors roof.
these trees are a morello cherry, a plum (under which is the wild garlic) and a pear, picturesquely backed by the compost heaps. This plum is the one that only gave us a couple of plums last year, yet it was as covered with blossom as it is this year.
these ones in the front are apples, plums, pears and cherries, which all yield very well
the rhubarb is up and growing away strongly, although not as advanced as DD2’s, which gets a lot more sun than this patch
The paths by the way, were laid by DP from scavanged bricks, patio slabs and roof tiles. The tiles work best of all, they are rough and they stay safe to walk on all winter, where the bricks got very slippery while wet.
In the greenhouse, we have the chilli plant I have been nurturing through the winter, now enthusiastically flowering and fruiting
one batch of the three different types of tomato, these are Tigerella
some watercress to top up the patch in the garden, I shall sow some rocket when we get back, and some cut and come again lettuce. Those three keep us in salads all summer, with plenty to give away too
and some very scrawny looking leeks
there are also boxes of two other types of tomato and some runner beans, but there isn’t much to see of the beans in a picture yet. Plus the basil plant
the wood pile is filling up
the flowers currently blooming include primula and marsh marigold
and this tree peony, this is the first bloom we have had, pretty isn’t it
and the little magnolia stellata
the garden is actually looking quite pretty at the moment, but I can’t capture that very well in an overall shot
we are going to have to leave the greenhouse open while we are away in case we have some hot days, and we will ask a neighbour to keep an eye on the watering in there
Wow, do you, from April? That’s pretty impressive
our garden is coming back to life. We have had two pickings of rhubarb, and there’s chives, parsley and other herbs and some sorrel and perpetual spinach. We try to eat something fresh from the garden every day from April.