Using up Salsa di Noci

May 31, 2015 | 0 comments


Very simple lunch today. I still had some of the walnut sauce left from the Salsa di Noci , so I lightly cooked a whole pile of vegetables and tipped them on a plate. Then I loosened the sauce with a bit more lemon juice and a blob of yogurt and spooned it over the top of the veg, and sprinkled over a little parmesan.


It was delicious! Filling from the vegetables, calories from the sauce so I stayed that way, and couldn’t be healthier. So if you are a couple, you could make the pasta on 1 evening, then use the other half for this the next time.

DD2 had her Hen Night last night, and SIL2B had his Stag Night. I didn’t go on the Hen Night as they didn’t plan to get back until 3am at the earliest and I just can’t do late nights like that anymore. Guaranteed migraine. In the event they weren’t home until 4am. I’m often awake at that time with insomnia, but it’s not quite the same as being out on the town is it!!  I am going down tomorrow and we are having a Spa day, I can handle that!

The wedding is next  Sunday, so not long now. Goodness that last year has whizzed by. Then I will be finishing all those last minute things that need doing for my own wedding, so June and July are destined to whizz by too. I have been looking at wedding vows today and have come up with something with a bit of humour as well as the solemnity needed. I shall probably twiddle around a bit more yet, but am quite pleased with what I have so far.

My diary is packed with all sorts of things. It’s lovely to be able to do all sorts of things without having to worry about if they produce any income. There are consolations to getting older.



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