Phew, what a scorcher! Went to Eastbourne today to see my grand daughter’s sports day. The race she was dreading the most was the balance a bean bag on the head one. But because she hated it, she had practised it a lot and only won it! Her mum was leaping up and down in her excitement and was a really proud mummy.
Thankfully we had marquees to sit under, in the shade. Really needed it, it was absolutely scorching. I was covered in sunscreen and had the most enormous hat on too. Still managed to get a migraine. Might have been the high pressure from the coming thunderstorms, a few slightly later nights than usual (only by an hour each time), or sitting talking with my head turned to the right quite hard for about ten minutes. Who knows. Thank goodness for Imigran, the only thing I have ever found that works. It takes a good two or three hours, but it eventually takes away the grotty feeling, the tight, throbbing pain and the extreme fatigue. The alternative being a withdrawal to the bedroom and two or three days of pain and general grottiness.
Yesterday I was cutting bias strips from a white £1.50 double sheet from a charity shop to do the edging round the quilt mum made. Tomorrow is due to be even hotter than today, so I shall lurk indoors, and one of the the things I shall do is to sew the strips together, and iron over the edges on each side, ready to be sewn onto the quilt.
Yesterday, I made a lovely risotto using broad beans, peas and mint all from the garden. I made what I thought were two portions. But it came out at quite a lot, so rather than dishing it up, I put it all in a nice dish and put that on the table instead. I had what I wanted, about a quarter of it, DP had two goes at it, and there was still some left. I had that for lunch today, whilst at sports day, cold, in a lunch box, with a thick slice of walnut bread and butter. It was amazingly good. I was telling a good friend about it, and the broad beans, today, and she suggested making hoummous from them, which sounds wonderful. The beans are full sized, but still young, so don’t need to be shucked from the inner skins. The skins are still tender and scrumptious. I have variable luck with broad beans, some years they are good, others, they are scarcely worth growing, as I hardly get many beans. This is a good year 🙂
It’s gone 10pm now and I am only just feeling my normal self. So tomorrow, I’ll add the cost if you bought everything, and the nutrition.
Carrots I really struggle with, they just don’t germinate. Yet again this year, I have just a handful.
The peas have done well, and we have had a decent crop from them. Still more to come too.