No Power Meal Plan – muesli, kidney beans and hotdogs

Apr 26, 2023 | 0 comments


The No Power Meal Plan is for anyone who has no access to any power to cook, heat water or refrigerate. I am assuming that there is no power to the house at all, so not even a kettle.
It shows 3 meals a day, plus some biscuity extras to fill any gaps, for 7 days, for 2 adults. Change the meals around to suit yourself, combine the shopping list of ingredients in any other way that suits you, add extra ingredients that you may have, just use one of the recipes, leave out anything you don’t like or need or change anything else that you see fit.

This was, by far, the hardest meal plan I’ve done. I kept wanting to add something warming and comforting.

wheat bisks breakfast

You and the 2nd person you are feeding may not need all the calories a day. Only you know what you need, I will leave this part of it to you to adjust.
If you do use anything from here, I would love it if you let me know how you get on.

You will need to be accurate with your measuring with some ingredients, and can be more free-handed with others.

No Power Meal Plan

Breakfast Lunch Dinner
day 1 muesli, milk hoummus & carrot sandwich haslet, crudités and coleslaw
day 2 wheat bisks, milk peanut butter & coleslaw sandwich cheshire cheese & new potato salad with carrots, sweetcorn, & coleslaw
day 3 muesli, milk hoummus & carrot sandwich hotdog & blackeye bean salad bowl
day 4 wheat bisks, milk peanut butter & coleslaw sandwich couscous, oil, lemon juice, carrot, onion, white cabbage, pesto
day 5 muesli, milk hoummus & carrot sandwich hotdog & kidney beans salad bowl
day 6 wheat bisks, milk peanut butter & coleslaw sandwich couscous, oil, lemon juice, carrot, onion, white cabbage, pesto
day 7 muesli, milk hoummus & carrot sandwich couscous, oil, lemon juice, carrot, onion, white cabbage, pesto
Cakes & Bakes   
3 x 400g biscuits  

Use 125g muesli/granola and 140ml milk for each person.

Use 4 wheat bisks and 140ml milk for each person

Use the biscuits whenever you need them.


Shopping list

Priced using my Supermarket, at Asda, in June 2024

loaf, 22 slices x 2 £0.70
Asda 400g digestives £0.70
Asda 300g chocolate bourbons £0.58
Asda ginger nuts £0.55
couscous, 500g £1.20
smartprice muesli, 1kg, or granola £1.75 £1.68
wheat bisks, 24 biscuits £2.00
onions, a pack of 3. red or white £1.00
carrots, 2kg £1.70
250ml lemon juice £0.75
sweetcorn, 325g £0.80
garlic bulb £0.39
1 lemon £0.30
white cabbage, 1kg £0.80
Asda red tomato pesto, 190g £0.99
 Tin value potatoes £0.75
KTC 2 x chickpeas, 1 x kidney beans, 1 x blackeye beans, or any of the other beans at 49p each £1.96
hotdog sausages, 400g £0.70
milk, uht 2 litres,skimmed £1.38
Just Essentials grated cheddar, 500g £2.99
 Haslet, 150g £1.40
peanut butter, 340g £0.99
mayonnaise, 500ml £1.15
oil 1 litre (use 700ml) £1.85
£1.95 pppd
Total £27.35


no power meal plan



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